Ironman pure energy sleep systems
RECOVERY Latex Mattress
Pure Energy Mattresses are Innovative Sleep Solutions which provide advanced sleep systems featuring Ironman® Sleep Technology. Ironman® Sleep Technology was scientifically designed and crafted for today’s elite athletes. Now, this advanced technology is available to anyone who wants to recover better at night! The IRONMAN Pure Energy Mattress™ utilizes Celliant®, which is a trade secret material added to fibers of the mattress. Celliant® is clinically proven to increase tissue oxygenation at an average of 8.4%* during sleep. Celliant® is in the cover of all Pure Energy Mattresses, AND in the premium latex of 5 of 8 Recovery Mattresses.
Our bodies have 5 zones that need different types of support. Our hips and lumbar zones require pressure-point relief. Our the lumbar region needs support and our head, shoulders and legs require different support. When the one-two punch of the IRONMAN Pure Energy Mattress is combined with a 5 zone design, you have a complete sleep system designed to deliver unparalleled recovery every night! These results are clinically proven: view clinical studies here.
*Source: Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Effects of Far-Infrared Emitting Ceramic Fabric Shirts and Control Polyester Shirts on Transcutaneous PO2, Dr. Ian Gordon et al, Long Beach VA Memorial Hospital, Journal of Textile Science and Engineering, 2014
Listen to Mark Nagra’s radio interview on ‘The Importance of Sleep & Relaxation for Good Health’ on the Natural Health Show
I love my Ironman bed!! Since I bought my bed I’ve had comfort from the very first night. I use to take pain pills either at night or morning, for the pain I had in my hip. Since the very 1st night “no” more pain “no” more pills!! I sleep right through the night, my sleep is so much more peaceful. I’m completely sold on my Ironman bed. Like the old saying “I sleep like a baby!!”
P.S. I wish I would of bought my bed sooner!!
Gail Wilson. October 3, 2014
Patented Cellitex Latex Mattresses
Cellitex™ is premium 5-zoned 100% latex – with Celliant fibres to help your body recover faster while you sleep. Our body is not flat, why should our mattress be? The patented Cellitex™ latex has a unique 5-zone system with no holes, for unmatched support and pressure point relief.
Learn More About The Science

Talalay Latex Technology
Talalay Latex provides superior support and pressure relief. The cell structure allows for unmatched durability and breath-ability. Talalay latex gives a consistent feel from top to bottom, so no turning is necessary! Don't worry about mildew with Talalay; the antimicrobial properties in the latex protect your mattress from bacteria, mould and mildew growth.
Learn More About Latex
Thank you M&N Mattress Shop for advising us on the wonderful sleeping and healing benefits of “Ironman” mattress set. I purchased the Ironman for my 17 year old daughter who has been struggling with lower back pain for the past two years. Within a month of great sleeps, she no longer requires her pain medication for sleep. She feels so much better and well rested. She was immediately able to sleep nights. Something she has not been able to do for a couple of years.
I am so happy for her and thanks to all the wonderful people at M&N Mattress Shop
Anita Cook, Parksville. April 21, 2015
Pure Energy Mattress
With Ironman Sleep Technology
The Pure Energy Mattress speeds up the body’s natural recovery process, reduces soreness and increases comfort, leading to better performance and less fatigue during activities, increased stamina, and faster recovery.
A more enhanced lifestyle with increased comfort and energy.